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역사 Continuing the Legitimacy of the Reformed faith
22/07/25 14:38 | KPM |
1920, The Emergence of Liberal Theology
PCUSA began in 1706 with the organization of the Presbytery of Philadelphia.
They adopted the Westminster Confession of Faith as the standard catechism and pursued a way of life based on Reformed faith and a Puritan spirit.
After the Presbyterian Church of America merged with the Congregational Church in 1801, ideologies based on the Enlightenment and Rationalism began to influence the Presbyterian Church.

In the beginning of the 1920s, the debate between conservatives and liberals in the North Presbyterian Church in the United States reached its peak.

The Old School followed Calvin's Reformed tradition, while the New School followed liberal theology by denying the doctrines underlying Christianity, such as the inerrancy of the Bible and the doctrine of inspiration. These two schools opposed each other.
Unfortunately, Princeton Theological Seminary, the North Presbyterian Seminary in the United States, leaned toward liberal theology.
As a result, the North Presbyterian church lost the essence of its faith and its mission was weakened.
In 1929, J. Gresham Machen, Robert Dick Wilson, Oswald T. Allis, Cornelius van Til, and others who were Old School professors at Princeton Theological Seminary, resigned to defend the Reformed faith and established Westminster Seminary, WTS, in Philadelphia.