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역사 James Kobb│Ko Joo-young
22/07/26 16:40 | KPM |
James Kobb│Ko Joo-young
James A. Kobb was born on March 7, 1953, USA.
James Kobb graduated from Reformed Seminary in 1979 and was sent to Korea after being admitted as a PCA missionary in 1979.
He toured around Chungcheong-do and Daejeon, where the PCA headquarters was located, doing personal evangelism work. In particular, he had close exchanges with KPM. In cooperation with KPM, he provided Bible study, language training, and education on cultures of each country for three weeks in winter and summer for mission trainees and had people interested in missions.
James made the decisive contribution to donating the site of the PCA Daejeon Headquarters to the Kosin General Assembly as the last general manager when PCA Korea Mission decided to withdraw and implemented it.